
Winter Solstice

So. It’s the solstice today. The longest day of the year but wonderful to be celebrated. It means the light is coming back. I’ve started trying to make these seasonal shifts more spiritual. I don’t always know what I am doing, but I figure, the learning that comes is what propels us forward. I AM a person who is always trying to find the lesson in anything.  Sadly, I still have not found a global lesson from COVID.  But personally, having all of the extra time at home made me explore areas of creativity I might not have had time for in the past. It’s made me confront my fears always. The personal lessons keep on going.  So. That being said, I get this subscription box from Tamed Wild.   It's great. It came with these beautiful cards about Solstice Rituals.  Essentially, it said to create a pentagram with string (I used rocks because me) and each point on the star represents a different thing. I created a picture in my grimoire to help me keep it straight and then I used different t


Howdy! One of the things I was reading about this month, was Samhain, which celebrates....well a bunch of things .  One of the things though, is to honor your family members who have passed on before you.  So I did. I created my altar. If the word "altar" is too weird or religious, just think of it as your space.  I used this beautiful Sugar Skull Dia De Los Muertos mug I bought when I was touring our city's Sugar Skull City they did this year. Our city has been celebrating all month long. I included photos that I always have of my paternal grandma, and one of my maternal aunties.  I spent a lot of time with them throughout the years, and as an adult. My aunt (seen in pink shirt) passed when I was 25. My grandma when I was 27, and only a few days after my oldest was born. TALK ABOUT THE CIRCLE OF LIFE. I also included a cross I made from yard scraps, that honors our harvest, and special rocks and seaglass I have collected throughout the years. I think any kind o

Wednesday Night Round Up

Hi friends. It’s Wednesday night and I was just wrapping up my meditation time.  I did some tarot for myself and a few friends and I was really struck by what I pulled for myself.  Today it was WHEEL OF FORTUNE.  What struck me about this card as I read through my trusty Tarot Book (The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings by Brigit Esselmont of Biddy Tarot) is the spirituality section. It talks about understanding the law of cycles and karma and how you can always see those cycles occurring if you open yourself up to them.  The OTHER message I was getting loud and clear was about your spirit guides and angels and trusting that they have your best interests at heart.  I try TRY TRY to always remember that. (I also believe in all the things. When I talk to my spirit guides and guardian angels, I also talk to Jesus, God, and Mother Earth, because, hey-let’s not leave anyone out right???)  I have found that when I make time to ground myself , I can have better communication with those th

Smudging out the Embarrassment

So today I had a SUPER EMBARRASSING MOMENT (kind of).  I was watering my plants naked in my living room like one does when there are no children. (Just me? I think I was a nudist in a past life tbh).  Anyways. my hubs sees me and mentions it. I am MORTIFIED.  That being said, I probably do this ALL THE TIME and do not pay attention. In general, I do not care about what people think about me, or whatever. So very odd that I was consumed with embarrassment over this situation.  My brain was writing a crazy story I could not turn off.  Once I was able to calm down, I took a nice long bath with Epsom salts and smudged myself. "Get off of me embarrassment" is literally what I was saying to myself over and over and over again.  I then did what sometimes brings me some peace.  I wrote a poem. And you get to read it to because I said so.  Buried under fluffy weights hot salt escaping embarrassment deep A foreign feeling I am who I am  I also did some journaling prompts that I found o

Hi! New here?

So. Are you new here? Do you want to learn how to smudge?  Use your energy for good?  Read my terrible poetry? Ha!  So. It’s the new moon tonight and I decided I would use this cool insta post I found.  So. You cleanse. You light some candles. You meditate on your intentions. And you write them down.  Today I wrote a variety of them with some things I can control (like my own inner peace) and some with variables I cannot (like for my husband).  I like to focus my energy on some good things (today like rain in Oregon!) and some karmic things (people getting what they deserve.)  I try to send energy to people in ways that can help them make better choices, or not to be idiotic. I have found though that those are the people most heavily blocked.  Anyway. What will you do to set your new moon intentions?  Where do you want to grow?  I also lightly smudged myself as well as set up some crystals to help me in the coming month. (These pictures are terrible.)  I’ve got a malachite, a serpentin

All smudging all the time

 So. Anyone smudge literally everyone and everything?